Pass-through wired or wireless (Wi-Fi) NIC to VM using Hyper-V Discrete Device Assignment (DDA) in Windows Server 2016
Hyper-V Discrete Device Assignment (DDA) was developed for attaching (passing through) video adapters into virtual machines. This feature exists on other hypervisors (for example VMDirectPath I/O passthrough on VMware ESXi) for a long time and it is used to virtualize applications that can leverage GPU hardware. Such applications are used for example for scientific calculations…
PowerShell script to get all IIS bindings and SSL certificates
Simple PowerShell script to get all bindings in Internet Information Services (IIS) and SSL certificates. Import-Module -Name WebAdministration Get-ChildItem -Path IIS:SSLBindings | ForEach-Object -Process ` { if ($_.Sites) { $certificate = Get-ChildItem -Path CERT:LocalMachine/My | Where-Object -Property Thumbprint -EQ -Value $_.Thumbprint [PsCustomObject]@{ Sites = $_.Sites.Value CertificateFriendlyName = $certificate.FriendlyName CertificateDnsNameList = $certificate.DnsNameList CertificateNotAfter = $certificate.NotAfter CertificateIssuer…