Building Microsoft SQL Server AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances – Part 1 – Design

It is not always easy to divide Low-level Design and High-Level Design. How to differentiate between high-level and low-level design depends on the entity that we refer to. When we need to design our cloud then high-level decision could be choice of the technology that makes our SQL Servers highly-available. But when we talk about our business or company (the entity) then SQL Servers are in Low-level Design category. This means that following division to High-level Design and Low-level Design are only within our entity.

AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances (FCI) is the standard Failover Clustering role of the SQL Server instance with a name.

Low-level Design

Questions you need to ask


  • ReFS does not support named streams and sparse files so we do not want to use it now and we need to stay with NTFS.

Allocation unit size

  • For performance reasons it is recommended to you use a 64 kB allocation unit size for DBs (data, logs, tempdb) .
  • Use default 4 kB for the volume with appplication data (installed SQL binaries and shared resources).


  • Consider if you are able to use it.

Virtual machines

  • contsqlfcic0
    • Name of the cluster (Access Point for Administering the Cluster).
    • Nodes
      • contsqlfcic0n0
      • contsqlfcic0n1
        • Microsoft SQL Server 2012 SP1
          • AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances
          • Features
            • Required
              • [x] Database Engine Services
            • Optional – Management Tools (I recommended to install them on management server only)
              • [x] Management Tools – Basic
                • [x] Management Tools – Complete
          • Named instance: SCCM0
          • Collation: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
        • .NET Framework 3.5
        • Firewall
          • Open
            • 1433 (SQL Server)
    • Roles
      • SQL Server (SCCM0)
        • SQL Server Cluster Resource Group
        • contsqlfcic0cm0
          • SQL Server Failover Cluster

Service accounts, user accounts and security groups

SQL DB Servers – Service accounts

  • sercontsqlfcic0cm0a
    • Service account: SQL Server Agent
    • Member Of
      • Domain Users
  • sercontsqlfcic0cm0d
    • Service account: SQL Server Database Services (Database Engine)
    • Member Of
      • Domain Users
  • sercontsqlfcic0cm0sr
    • Service account: Reporting Services
    • Member Of
      • Domain Users

SQL DB Servers – Security groups

  • dbadmins0
    • Security group: DB Administrators
    • Members
      • You and other DB admins that are allowed to work on the SQL Server.

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Active Directory Advanced function AlwaysOn Availability Groups AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances Building Cloud Cloud Cluster Cmdlet Database Deployment Design DFS Domain Controller DSC Fabric Failover Clustering File Server Group Policy Hardware Profile Host Hyper-V Installation Library Library Asset Library Server Network Operations Manager Orchestrator PowerShell PowerShell User Group PowerShell Workflow Security Service Manager SQL Server Storage System Center Template Time Time Synchronization Tips Virtual Machine Virtual Machine Manager VM Network VM Template Windows Server 2012 R2