Tag: PowerShell

  • How to fix Could not load file or assembly Microsoft.Isam.Esent.Interop error when you setup PowerShell DSC HTTPS Pull Server

    I have just downloaded DSC Resource Kit Wave 10 and I can see that known error when you setup PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) HTTP Pull Server was not fixed yet. The reason is that the resource kit is February release. The error is related to missing Microsoft.Isam.Esent.Interop assembly that is available on Windows 8.1 but not…

  • PowerShell script to get all IIS bindings and SSL certificates

    Simple PowerShell script to get all bindings in Internet Information Services (IIS) and SSL certificates. Import-Module -Name WebAdministration Get-ChildItem -Path IIS:SSLBindings | ForEach-Object -Process ` { if ($_.Sites) { $certificate = Get-ChildItem -Path CERT:LocalMachine/My | Where-Object -Property Thumbprint -EQ -Value $_.Thumbprint [PsCustomObject]@{ Sites = $_.Sites.Value CertificateFriendlyName = $certificate.FriendlyName CertificateDnsNameList = $certificate.DnsNameList CertificateNotAfter = $certificate.NotAfter CertificateIssuer…

  • PowerShell Tip – How to install Windows Server roles and features and see parent / child relations as results?

    It is very simple… Install-WindowsFeature -Name AD-Domain-Services, DNS -IncludeManagementTools -OutVariable result -Verbose Get-WindowsFeature -Name $result.FeatureResult.Name Note: GUIs are not recommended for the server. Install only AD-Domain-Services, DNS and RSAT-AD-PowerShell on your Windows Server Core and RSAT on your management server. Display Name Name Install State ———— —- ————- [X] Active Directory Domain Services AD-Domain-Services Installed [X]…

  • PowerShell Tip – Convert Script Block to string or string to Script Block

    It is very simple. You just need to create a new instance of System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock and use Create() method. PowerShell code $scriptBlock1 = { Get-ChildItem } Write-Verbose -Message $scriptBlock1.GetType().FullName -Verbose $scriptBlockString = $scriptBlock.ToString() Write-Verbose -Message $scriptBlockString.GetType().FullName -Verbose $scriptBlock2 = [ScriptBlock]::Create($scriptBlockString) Write-Verbose -Message $scriptBlock2.GetType().FullName -Verbose # Execute& $scriptBlock2 Output VERBOSE: System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock VERBOSE: System.String VERBOSE: System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock

  • How to copy values of variables into PowerShell Script Block and keep it intact (remember it)?

    There are situations where you need to create a script block, save it into variable and then execute it once or multiple times. Simply said, [ScriptBlock] is just an anonymous function so if you do this: $scriptBlock = { $someVar } & $scriptBlock Then you will get someVar variable from the current scope or from the…