Building Microsoft System Center Cloud – SCOrch 2012 R2 – Orchestrator 2012 R2 installation – Simple deployment

This is simplified deployment. Some of the production environments requires complex deployment process of the Orchestrator with multiple Runbook Servers. You can skip this article and continue directly to the complex installation in the next article.

Install and configure SQL Server

Highly-available databases in AlwaysOn Available Groups

I recommend you to use the Microsoft SQL Server 2012 AlwaysOn Available Groups for every System Center products that supports it.

After installation

Highly-available VM with SQL Server

If you do not want to use SQL Server AlwaysOn Available Groups you can simply deploy a separate VM and install SQL Server. But I suggest you to use highly-available databases in AlwaysOn Available Groups even when the installed System Center product is not highly-available.

  • Features
  • Install as named instance (default instance is also fine for the testing environment).
      • SCO0
  • Use service accounts.
  • Set SQL Server Agent to Automatic.
      • serscdb0
  • Default collation – SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS.
  • Security group for the database administrators for the System Center deployment.
      • scdbadmins0
  • Results

Install .NET Framework 3.5

  • Install .NET 3.5 from the installation media (offline installation) without need to download them from the Microsoft.
    • Command Prompt
dism.exe /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFX3 /All /Source:D:\Sources\sxs /LimitAccess
  • Do not forgot to install .NET 3.5 security updates.

Install Orchestrator

  • Login as member of SCORch Users (Administrators) and SQL DB Administrators in order to create required databases during installation.
  • Install
  • Install all features.
    • [x] Management Server
    • [x] Runbook Server
    • [x] Orchestration Console and Web Service
      • Optional when you need to use Orchestration Console or connect to the Orchestrator from third party application.
    • [x] Runbook Designer
  • When Orchestrator Web Service should be installed…
    • Let installer to install required roles (IIS) and do all configuration.
  • Set the SCOrch service account.
      • serscos0
  • Choose SQL DB server.
      • contscodb0\sco0
  • Let installer to create a new database.
  • Select SCOrch Users (Administrators) group and grant remote access to Runbook Designer.
      • scoadmins0
  • When Orchestrator Web Service should be installed…
    • Accept default ports for the web services
        • 81
        • 82
  • Accept default location.
  • Install

Orchestrator consoles on the management server (our terminal sever)

Now it is a good time to run the Orchestrator consoles from the management server.

Install prerequisites

  • Install .NET Framework 3.5

Runbook designer

  • Select Standalone installationRunbook designer
  • Select location
  • Install
  • Results

Orchestration Console

The Orchestration Console is a Silverlight web-based application so you do no need to install it.

  • When Orchestrator Web Service is installed…
    • Install Microsoft Silverlight (do not forgot to install security patches).
    • Access http://ServerName:DedicatedPort
        • http://contsco0:82/
    • In production environment it is important to import SSL certificate and connect securely using HTTPS or disable the feature if it is not needed.

Orchestrator consoles on the Ochestrator Management Server

Deployment Manager

Deployment Manager is a tool for deploying integration packs, Runbook Designer instances and new Runbook Servers.

  • The Deployment Manager can be run directly from the Orchestrator Management Server.

Verify the installation

  • Sign in Orchestrator Runbook designer on our management server (our terminal sever) as member of the SCOrch Users (Administrators).
  • Connect to the Orchestrator Runbook server.
      • contsco0
  • And you can create first Runbook.

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Active Directory Advanced function AlwaysOn Availability Groups AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances Building Cloud Cloud Cluster Cmdlet Database Deployment Design DFS Domain Controller DSC Fabric Failover Clustering File Server Group Policy Hardware Profile Host Hyper-V Installation Library Library Asset Library Server Network Operations Manager Orchestrator PowerShell PowerShell User Group PowerShell Workflow Security Service Manager SQL Server Storage System Center Template Time Time Synchronization Tips Virtual Machine Virtual Machine Manager VM Network VM Template Windows Server 2012 R2