Building Microsoft System Center Cloud – SCVMM 2012 R2 – Create Virtual Machine in the Cloud

Now it is a good time to create a first VM in the new cloud.

Cluster Share Volume storage

In the case you are using CSV and you do not have storage device that is managed by VMM (you have same configuration like I have) you may need to modify configuration of the cloud.

  • Select the storage classification for this cloud.
    • You may select everything.
    • Or for example nothing.

New VM in cloud

  • Create Virtual Machine
  • Create the new VM with a blank VHDX (we do not have template yet).
  • Name it and choose correct generation.
      • Default – Windows Server 2012 R2 Update 1
      • Generation 2
  • Check hardware profile and modify it according your needs.
  • If you have predefined Hardware Profile then you can use it.
    • If you choose predefined Hardware Profile then you will not get settings that can be defined only for new VMs from the existing VHD and VHDX and for VMs from VM Templates.
    • You are installing ISO so you will not get for example:
      • Static IP from the IP Pool
    • But you will get:
      • VM Network and related Logical Switch
  • If you selected predefined Hardware Profile then you probably have to change only the size of the new virtual disk.
  • Deploy directly to the cloud.
  • Choose the host (node).
  • This is important step that usually check if you have correct configuration. If you did some mistatke then you will not be able to choose the node.
  • In the case you have multiple clouds you have to select correct cloud.
  • Usually you do not need to change the automatic actions.


When it is not possible to choose a host

  • Example
  • Usual configuration errors for this issue
    • Capability Profile: You forgot to choose hypervisor (Hyper-V in our case).
    • Storages: Storages in library have wrong configuration settings.
    • Networks: Profiles are wrong configured.
    • Overcommitted Hyper-V cluster (I run to this issue)
      • Error: This configuration causes the host cluster to become overcommitted.
      • Resolution: In the testing environment you may decrease number of reserved nodes. But you really do not want to do that in the production environment.

Installation of the VM in the cloud

Now the VM can be installed.

  • Power On
  • Connect via Console
  • Install, boot up and shut down.

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Active Directory Advanced function AlwaysOn Availability Groups AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances Building Cloud Cloud Cluster Cmdlet Database Deployment Design DFS Domain Controller DSC Fabric Failover Clustering File Server Group Policy Hardware Profile Host Hyper-V Installation Library Library Asset Library Server Network Operations Manager Orchestrator PowerShell PowerShell User Group PowerShell Workflow Security Service Manager SQL Server Storage System Center Template Time Time Synchronization Tips Virtual Machine Virtual Machine Manager VM Network VM Template Windows Server 2012 R2