PowerShell advanced function (cmdlet) to copy files and folders using Robocopy on a local or remote computer

I wrote Windows PowerShell Cmdlet (Advanced Function) to work with Robocopy.

  • It is possible to use ComputerName (invoke all operations) or Session (use established session) to copy items on a remote computer.
  • Results are not displayed as text but outputted as object. Some of the properties:
    • Directories / Files / Bytes Total
    • Directories / Files / Bytes Copied
    • Directories / Files / Bytes Skipped
    • Directories / Files / Bytes Mismatch
    • Directories / Files / Bytes Failed
    • Directories / Files / Bytes Extras
  • Similar behavior as Copy-Item. It is possible to specify Container parameter to copy whole directory or its content.
  • It is possible to copy files and not only whole directories.
  • It is possible to copy multiple files and directories.
  • It is possible to pipe System.IO.DirectoryInfo (directory object) or System.IO.FileInfo (file object). That is mean that is possible to pipe for example output from Get-Item or Get-ChildItem.
  • Error handling that ensure that any errors (filed copies) are displayed as error.


Copy whole directory to destination – Similar to Copy-Item

Copy-RvItemRobocopy `
    -Path 'C:\Temp\Source' `
    -Destination 'C:\Temp\Target' `
    -LogDirectoryPath 'C:\Temp'

Same as previous with usage of pipeline

Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\Temp' -Filter S* -Directory |
    Copy-RvItemRobocopy `
        -Destination 'C:\Temp\Target' `
        -LogDirectoryPath 'C:\Temp'

Copy content of a directory – Same behaviour as Robocopy

Copy-RvItemRobocopy `
    -Path 'C:\Temp\Source' `
    -Destination 'C:\Temp\Target' `
    -Container:$false `
    -LogDirectoryPath 'C:\Temp'

Same as previous with usage of pipeline

Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\Temp' -Filter S* -Directory |
    Copy-RvItemRobocopy `
        -Destination 'C:\Temp\Target' `
        -Container:$true `
        -LogDirectoryPath 'C:\Temp'

Copy multiple files

Copy-RvItemRobocopy `
    -Path 'C:\Temp\Source\1.txt',
        'C:\Temp\Source\3.txt' `
    -Destination 'C:\Temp\Target' `
    -LogDirectoryPath 'C:\Temp'

Copy multiple files using pipeline

Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\Temp\Source' -Filter *.txt |
    Copy-RvItemRobocopy `
        -Destination 'C:\Temp\Target' `
        -LogDirectoryPath 'C:\Temp'


Function Copy-RvItemRobocopy
        Copy files and directories using Robocopy.

            Developer: Rudolf Vesely, http://rudolfvesely.com/
            Copyright (c) Rudolf Vesely. All rights reserved
            License: Free for private use only

            "RV" are initials of the developer's name Rudolf Vesely and distingue names of Rudolf Vesely's cmdlets from the other cmdlets.

            Copy files and directories using Robocopy.

            Similar behaviour as Copy-Item -Recurse:$true (always recursive copy of directories) -Container:$true (by default True but could be defined)
                # Copy whole directory (not just content) - Create D:\Temp\Target\Source with all child files and directories from D:\Temp\Source
                # Copy-Item -Path D:\Temp\Source -Destination D:\Temp\Target -Recurse:$true

                # Same as previous
                # Copy-Item -Path D:\Temp\Source -Destination D:\Temp\Target -Recurse:$true -Container:$true

                # Copy content of the directory - Create D:\Temp\Target with all child files and directories from D:\Temp\Source
                # Copy-Item -Path D:\Temp\Source -Destination D:\Temp\Target -Recurse:$true -Container:$false

            Developed and tested using PowerShell 4.0.

        Source path.

    .PARAMETER Destination
        Path of the destination directory.

    .PARAMETER Container
        Preserves container objects during the copy operation.

                D:\Temp\Source -> D:\Temp\Target = D:\Temp\Target\Source

                D:\Temp\Source -> D:\Temp\Target = D:\Temp\Target

    .PARAMETER ExcludedFile
        List of excluded files.

        It is possible to pass full path (C:\Temp\myfile.bin), file name (myfile.bin) or wildcard (*.bin).

    .PARAMETER ExcludedFile
        List of excluded directories. It is possible to pass full path (C:\Temp\MyDir) or directory name (MyDir).

    .PARAMETER Process
        Copy or Mirror

    .PARAMETER Information
        Alternate data streams that should be copied (only date and times of creation and modifications or everything including attibutes and ACLs).

    .PARAMETER Configuration
        List (string array) of specific configuration options.

                Exclude directories that should not be copied: $RECYCLE.BIN and System Volume Information

    .PARAMETER LogPath
        Full path of robocopy log that will be created.

    .PARAMETER LogDirectoryPath
        Path of a directory where Robocpy log will be created.

    .PARAMETER LogFileName
        File name for Robocopy. LogDirectoryPath is specified and file name is not specified then file name will be generated.

    .PARAMETER ComputerName
        Invoke all operations on a remote computer.

    .PARAMETER ComputerName
        Do all operations on a remote computer and use already established session.

        'Copy whole directory to destination - Similar to Copy-Item'
        Copy-RvItemRobocopy `
            -Path 'D:\Temp\Source' `
            -Destination 'D:\Temp\Target' `
            -LogDirectoryPath 'D:\Temp' -Debug

        'Same as previous with usage of pipeline'
        Get-ChildItem -Path 'D:\Temp' -Filter S* -Directory |
            Copy-RvItemRobocopy `
                -Destination 'D:\Temp\Target' `
                -LogDirectoryPath 'D:\Temp' -Debug

        'Copy content of a directory - Same behaviour as Robocopy'
        Copy-RvItemRobocopy `
            -Path 'D:\Temp\Source' `
            -Destination 'D:\Temp\Target' `
            -Container:$false `
            -LogDirectoryPath 'D:\Temp' -Debug

        'Same as previous with usage of pipeline'
        Get-ChildItem -Path 'D:\Temp' -Filter S* -Directory |
            Copy-RvItemRobocopy `
                -Destination 'D:\Temp\Target' `
                -Container:$true `
                -LogDirectoryPath 'D:\Temp' -Debug

        'Copy multiple files'
        Copy-RvItemRobocopy `
            -Path 'D:\Temp\Source\1.txt',
                'D:\Temp\Source\3.txt' `
            -Destination 'D:\Temp\Target' `
            -LogDirectoryPath 'D:\Temp' -Debug

        'Copy multiple files using pipeline'
        Get-ChildItem -Path 'D:\Temp\Source' -Filter *.txt |
            Copy-RvItemRobocopy `
                -Destination 'D:\Temp\Target' `
                -LogDirectoryPath 'D:\Temp'

        System.IO.DirectoryInfo (directory object) or System.IO.FileInfo (file object)



        DefaultParametersetName = 'ComputerName',
        SupportsShouldProcess = $true,
        PositionalBinding = $false,
        HelpURI = 'https://techstronghold.com/',
        ConfirmImpact = 'Medium'

            Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 0,
            # ParameterSetName = '',
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
        [ValidateLength(1, 1024)]

            Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 1
            # ParameterSetName = ''
        [ValidateLength(1, 1024)]

            Mandatory = $false
            # Position = ,
            # ParameterSetName = ''
        [bool]$Container = $true,

            Mandatory = $false
            # Position = ,
            # ParameterSetName = ''
        [ValidateLength(1, 1024)]

            Mandatory = $false
            # Position = ,
            # ParameterSetName = ''
        [ValidateLength(1, 1024)]

            Mandatory = $false
            # Position = ,
            # ParameterSetName = ''
        [string]$Process = 'Copy',

            Mandatory = $false
            # Position = ,
            # ParameterSetName = ''
        [string]$Information = 'DateAndTime',

            Mandatory = $false
            # Position = ,
            # ParameterSetName = ''

            Mandatory = $false
            # Position = ,
            # ParameterSetName = ''
        [ValidateLength(0, 255)]

            Mandatory = $false
            # Position = ,
            # ParameterSetName = ''
        [ValidateLength(0, 255)]

            Mandatory = $false
            # Position = ,
            # ParameterSetName = ''
        [ValidateLength(0, 255)]

            Mandatory = $false,
            # Position = ,
            ParameterSetName = 'ComputerName'
        [ValidateLength(1, 255)]
        [string[]]$ComputerName = '.',

            Mandatory = $true,
            # Position = ,
            ParameterSetName = 'Session'

        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
        if ($PSBoundParameters['Debug']) { $DebugPreference = 'Continue' }
        Set-PSDebug -Strict
        Set-StrictMode -Version Latest

        $logDateTimeUtc = Get-Date -Format yyyyMMddHHmmss

        # Paths
        if ($LogPath)
            $logPathFullItem = $LogPath
        elseif ($LogDirectoryPath)
            if ($LogFileName)
                $logPathFullItem = Join-Path -Path $LogDirectoryPath -ChildPath $LogFileName
                $logPathFullItem = Join-Path -Path $LogDirectoryPath -ChildPath ('{0}.log' -f $logDateTimeUtc)
            $logPathFullItem = $null

        if ($logPathFullItem)
            New-RvDirectory -Path (Split-Path -Path $logPathFullItem)

        #region Functions
        Function Copy-RvItemRobocopyProcess
                DefaultParametersetName = 'Path',
                SupportsShouldProcess = $true,
                PositionalBinding = $true,
                HelpURI = 'https://techstronghold.com/',
                ConfirmImpact = 'Medium'

                    Mandatory = $true,
                    # Position = ,
                    ParameterSetName = 'Path'

                    Mandatory = $true
                    # Position = ,
                    # ParameterSetName = ''

                    Mandatory = $true
                    # Position = ,
                    # ParameterSetName = ''

                    Mandatory = $true
                    # Position = ,
                    # ParameterSetName = ''

                    Mandatory = $true
                    # Position = ,
                    # ParameterSetName = ''

                    Mandatory = $true
                    # Position = ,
                    # ParameterSetName = ''

                    Mandatory = $true
                    # Position = ,
                    # ParameterSetName = ''

                    Mandatory = $true
                    # Position = ,
                    # ParameterSetName = ''

                    Mandatory = $true
                    # Position = ,
                    # ParameterSetName = ''

                Special configuration

                if ($Configuration -contains 'VolumeRoot')
                    $ExcludedDirectory += '$RECYCLE.BIN', 'System Volume Information'

                foreach ($pathItem in $Path)

                    $resultStatus = $true
                    $resultStatusDescription = @()
                    $resultError = $false
                    $resultErrorDescription = @()

                    Source and destination

                    Write-Debug -Message '            - Items'
                    Write-Debug -Message ('                - Source       : {0}' -f $pathItem)

                    # Wrong path
                    $item = Get-Item -Path $pathItem -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                    if (!$item)
                        Write-Error -Message ('Path is wrong or you do not have permissions: {0}' -f $pathItem)

                    # Copy directory
                    elseif ($item.PSIsContainer)
                        Write-Debug -Message '                    - Type: Directory'

                        if ($Container)
                            $destinationItem = Join-Path -Path $Destination -ChildPath (Split-Path -Path $pathItem -Leaf)
                            $destinationItem = $Destination

                        $parametersAndArguments = $pathItem, $destinationItem

                    # Copy file
                        Write-Debug -Message '                    - Type: File'
                        $destinationItem = $Destination

                        $parametersAndArguments = (Split-Path -Path $pathItem -Parent), $destinationItem, $item.Name

                    Write-Debug -Message ('                - Destination  : {0}' -f $destinationItem)

                    Parameters and arguments

                    # Information
                    if ($Information -eq 'All')
                        $parametersAndArguments += '/COPYALL', '/DCOPY:T'
                    else # if ($Information -eq 'DateAndTime')
                        $parametersAndArguments += '/COPY:DT', '/DCOPY:T'

                    # Process
                    if ($Process -eq 'Copy')
                        if ($item.PSIsContainer)
                            $parametersAndArguments += '/E'
                    else # if ($Process -eq 'Mirror')
                        $parametersAndArguments += '/MIR'

                    # Common
                    $parametersAndArguments += '/R:0', '/V'

                    # Log
                    if ($logPathFullItem)
                        $parametersAndArguments += ('/UNILOG+:{0}' -f $logPathFullItem), '/NP', '/TS', '/TEE'

                    # Exclusions
                    if ($ExcludedFile)
                        $parametersAndArguments += '/XF', $ExcludedFile
                    if ($ExcludedDirectory)
                        $parametersAndArguments += '/XF', $ExcludedDirectory


                    Write-Debug -Message  ('                - & ''robocopy'' ''{0}''' -f ($parametersAndArguments -join ''', '''))

                    $outputRaw = & 'robocopy' $parametersAndArguments

                    # Decrease amount of data that will be further processed
                    $outputRawFooter = $outputRaw | Select-Object -Last 35
                    $outputRawResultTable = $outputRaw | Select-Object -Last 14
                    $outputTextFooter = $outputRawFooter -join "`r`n"

                    Write-Debug -Message $outputTextFooter

                    Exit code

                    $resultExitCode = $LASTEXITCODE

                    if ($resultExitCode -eq 0 -or $resultExitCode -eq 1)
                        Write-Debug -Message '                - Results: True'
                        Write-Debug -Message '                - Results: False'
                        Write-Warning -Message ('Robocopy: Results: False; Last exit code: {0}' -f $resultExitCode)

                        $resultStatus = $false
                        $resultError = $true
                        $resultErrorDescription += 'Exit code: {0}' -f $resultExitCode

                    switch ($resultExitCode)
                        0  { $resultExitCodeDescription = 'No errors occurred, and no copying was done. The source and destination directory trees are completely synchronized.'; break }
                        1  { $resultExitCodeDescription = 'One or more files were copied successfully (that is, new files have arrived).'; break }
                        2  { $resultExitCodeDescription = 'Some Extra files or directories were detected. No files were copied'; break }
                        3  { $resultExitCodeDescription = 'Some files were copied. Additional files were present. No failure was encountered.'; break }
                        4  { $resultExitCodeDescription = 'Some Mismatched files or directories were detected.'; break }
                        5  { $resultExitCodeDescription = 'Some files were copied. Some files were mismatched. No failure was encountered.'; break }
                        6  { $resultExitCodeDescription = 'Additional files and mismatched files exist. No files were copied and no failures were encountered. This means that the files already exist in the destination directory'; break }
                        7  { $resultExitCodeDescription = 'Files were copied, a file mismatch was present, and additional files were present.'; break }
                        8  { $resultExitCodeDescription = 'Some files or directories could not be copied (copy errors occurred and the retry limit was exceeded).'; break }
                        16 { $resultExitCodeDescription = 'Serious error. Robocopy did not copy any files. Either a usage error or an error due to insufficient access privileges on the source or destination directories.'; break }
                        Default { $resultExitCodeDescription = 'Unknown exit code' }


                    # 0, 2439043
                    $resultDirectories  = ((($outputRawResultTable -match '^\s+Dirs :\s+\d')    -replace '.*:\s+', '').Trim()) -split '\s+'
                    $resultFiles        = ((($outputRawResultTable -match '^\s+Files :\s+\d')   -replace '.*:\s+', '').Trim()) -split '\s+'

                    # 239.49 m, 82.497 g
                    $resultBytes        = ((($outputRawResultTable -match '^\s+Bytes :\s+\d')   -replace '.*:\s+', '').Trim()) -split '\s{2,}'

                    $resultErrorNumbersInTable = $false
                    try { $resultDirectoriesTotal       = [Int64]$resultDirectories[0] } catch { $resultErrorNumbersInTable = $true; $resultDirectoriesTotal     = 'Error' }
                    try { $resultDirectoriesCopied      = [Int64]$resultDirectories[1] } catch { $resultErrorNumbersInTable = $true; $resultDirectoriesCopied    = 'Error' }
                    try { $resultDirectoriesSkipped     = [Int64]$resultDirectories[2] } catch { $resultErrorNumbersInTable = $true; $resultDirectoriesSkipped   = 'Error' }
                    try { $resultDirectoriesMismatch    = [Int64]$resultDirectories[3] } catch { $resultErrorNumbersInTable = $true; $resultDirectoriesMismatch  = 'Error' }
                    try { $resultDirectoriesFailed      = [Int64]$resultDirectories[4] } catch { $resultErrorNumbersInTable = $true; $resultDirectoriesFailed    = 'Error' }
                    try { $resultDirectoriesExtras      = [Int64]$resultDirectories[5] } catch { $resultErrorNumbersInTable = $true; $resultDirectoriesExtras    = 'Error' }

                    try { $resultFilesTotal             = [Int64]$resultFiles[0] }       catch { $resultErrorNumbersInTable = $true; $resultFilesTotal           = 'Error' }
                    try { $resultFilesCopied            = [Int64]$resultFiles[1] }       catch { $resultErrorNumbersInTable = $true; $resultFilesCopied          = 'Error' }
                    try { $resultFilesSkipped           = [Int64]$resultFiles[2] }       catch { $resultErrorNumbersInTable = $true; $resultFilesSkipped         = 'Error' }
                    try { $resultFilesMismatch          = [Int64]$resultFiles[3] }       catch { $resultErrorNumbersInTable = $true; $resultFilesMismatch        = 'Error' }
                    try { $resultFilesFailed            = [Int64]$resultFiles[4] }       catch { $resultErrorNumbersInTable = $true; $resultFilesFailed          = 'Error' }
                    try { $resultFilesExtras            = [Int64]$resultFiles[5] }       catch { $resultErrorNumbersInTable = $true; $resultFilesExtras          = 'Error' }

                    $resultBytesTotal             = $resultBytes[0]
                    $resultBytesCopied            = $resultBytes[1]
                    $resultBytesSkipped           = $resultBytes[2]
                    $resultBytesMismatch          = $resultBytes[3]
                    $resultBytesFailed            = $resultBytes[4]
                    $resultBytesExtras            = $resultBytes[5]

                    if ($resultErrorNumbersInTable)
                        $resultStatus = $false
                        $resultError = $true
                        $resultErrorDescription += 'Cannot gather results'
                    if ($resultDirectoriesFailed -gt 0 -or $resultFilesFailed -gt 0)
                        $resultStatus = $false
                        $resultError = $true
                        $resultErrorDescription += 'Some of the copies failed'

                    # Return
                        Source                 = $pathItem
                        Destination            = $destinationItem
                        ItemType               = $(if ($item.PSIsContainer) { 'Container' } else { 'Leaf' })

                        Status                 = $resultStatus
                        StatusDescription      = ($resultStatusDescription -join '; ')
                        Error                  = $resultError
                        ErrorDescription       = ($resultErrorDescription -join '; ')
                        ExitCode               = $resultExitCode
                        ExitCodeDescription    = $resultExitCodeDescription

                        RobocopyLogFooter      = $outputRawFooter
                        RobocopyLogResultTable = $outputRawResultTable

                        DirectoriesTotal       = $resultDirectoriesTotal
                        DirectoriesCopied      = $resultDirectoriesCopied
                        DirectoriesSkipped     = $resultDirectoriesSkipped
                        DirectoriesMismatch    = $resultDirectoriesMismatch
                        DirectoriesFailed      = $resultDirectoriesFailed
                        DirectoriesExtras      = $resultDirectoriesExtras

                        FilesTotal             = $resultFilesTotal
                        FilesCopied            = $resultFilesCopied
                        FilesSkipped           = $resultFilesSkipped
                        FilesMismatch          = $resultFilesMismatch
                        FilesFailed            = $resultFilesFailed
                        FilesExtras            = $resultFilesExtras

                        BytesTotal             = $resultBytesTotal
                        BytesCopied            = $resultBytesCopied
                        BytesSkipped           = $resultBytesSkipped
                        BytesMismatch          = $resultBytesMismatch
                        BytesFailed            = $resultBytesFailed
                        BytesExtras            = $resultBytesExtras

                    if ($resultError)
                        Write-Error -Message ($resultErrorDescription -join '; ')


        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ComputerName' -or $Session -eq $null)
            foreach ($computerNameItem in $ComputerName)
                # Local device
                if (!$computerNameItem -or $computerNameItem -eq '.' -or $computerNameItem -eq $env:COMPUTERNAME)
                    Copy-RvItemRobocopyProcess `
                        -Path $Path `
                        -Destination $Destination `
                        -Container $Container `
                        -ExcludedFile $ExcludedFile `
                        -ExcludedDirectory $ExcludedDirectory `
                        -Process $Process `
                        -Information $Information `
                        -Configuration $Configuration `
                        -LogPath $logPathFullItem

                # Remote device
                    Invoke-Command `
                        -ComputerName $computerNameItem `
                        -ArgumentList $Path, $Destination, $Container, $ExcludedFile, $ExcludedDirectory, $Process, $Information, $Configuration, $logPathFullItem `
                        -ScriptBlock ${Function:Copy-RvItemRobocopyProcess}
        else # if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Session')
            foreach ($sessionItem in $Session)
                Invoke-Command `
                    -Session $sessionItem `
                    -ArgumentList $Path, $Destination, $Container, $ExcludedFile, $ExcludedDirectory, $Process, $Information, $Configuration, $logPathFullItem `
                    -ScriptBlock ${Function:Copy-RvItemRobocopyProcess}


2 responses to “PowerShell advanced function (cmdlet) to copy files and folders using Robocopy on a local or remote computer”

  1. "The term ‘New-RvDirectory’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program."

  2. Based on the code I am seeing the script appears to be a very nice way to setup RoboCopy to run in an environment. However, I am getting the same error when using this script on the ‘New-RVDirectory’ but assuming you are looking to create a new directory that is an easy fix. However the code appears to have an additional issue with the ‘Copy-RvItemRobocopyProcess’ command. I am getting an error that the system object does not contain a method named trim. It appears that on the function for ‘Copy-RvItemRobocopyProcess’ the parameters you are using are treating the string as a folder object and it cannot pass through your function without throwing up errors.

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