Simplify your PowerShell DSC Configurations by using parameterized DSC Resources

Often I can see that DSC adopters use similar code:

Configuration TooVerbose
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration

    Service abc
        Name    = 'abc'
        State   = 'Running'
        Ensure  = 'Present'
    Service def
        Name    = 'abc'
        State   = 'Running'
        Ensure  = 'Present'
    Service xyz
        Name    = 'abc'
        State   = 'Running'
        Ensure  = 'Present'

The problem is that this is too complex (too verbose) for simple result like for example three services that should run. The proper was is to simplify your code and ensure easy readability and protect yourself against typing errors.

Configuration ServiceRunning

    Import-DscResource -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration

    foreach ($nameItem in $name)
        Service ('ServiceRunning{0}' -f $nameItem)
            Name    = $nameItem
            State   = 'Running'
            Ensure  = 'Present'

Configuration NiceAndShort
    # Looks like a DSC Resource
    ServiceRunning ServiceRunning
        Name = 'abc', 'def', 'xyz'

NiceAndShort -OutputPath 'D:\SomePlaceOnYourComputer'

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